Blog Articles

Crossing the Path of these 3 Angels will Change Your Life

Do you believe in angels? I do because crossing the path of loving angels, these people who have been there for me all my life is a marvelous...

4 reasons Spider-Man: Homecoming is the most diverse superhero movie you have to see

I don't usually write about super hero movies although I am a fan of many Marvel and DC Comics super heroes. However, after watching Spider-Man:...

Wonder Women: The Parenting Role of Contemporary females

She is a fighter, a 'warrior', a mythical character, a 'goddess'. She is made of love, but she knows pain and she is willing to 'make sacrifices'....

Millennials and Motherhood: A Total New Venture

How millennials and women from the 70’s see motherhood You may have heard a lot about millennials! Some even said millennials are a myth. For...

Being a mom means love. Children, no matter how old they are, and even if they won’t admit it, always want their parents’ approval and love especially when they think they did something wrong. It is important as a mom to let them know that they are loved no matter what”, says Rachel Frédérique Bruno

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