Mothers are the greatest pillars of our society. However, the work of most moms are not valued in today’s world as many mothers do not add much economic value to their family.
Even though mothers often put themselves before their family, work harder than their whole household, and still find time to make sure everyone is happy they don’t receive the support, encouragement, and respect they deserve. Many moms still suffer from a lack of understanding coming from their family members and from society.
Even when women are working, contribute to increase the family’s income or are the sole economic contributor they don’t always receive the social recognition they rightfully deserve. In fact, many women work outside and still do most of the work at home. This is not fair!
This Mother’s Day 2016 we are calling on all members of society to celebrate moms everywhere while recognizing their important contributions to society. It’s because many mothers have gladly sacrificed themselves that we have great leaders, athletes, artists, activists, citizens who are willing to change the world.
It is true. Behind every awesome individual, every awesome citizen, there’s an awesome mom.
All hail to Mothers! Moms are society’s cornerstone. Look for our hashtag #MomsCornerstone throughout this May to join us in giving mothers the social recognition they deserve. That’s right! One day is not enough.
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A mom is one of the most important factors in a child's life.
Mother's Day project throughout May
Mother's Tribute! Let's talk about the contribution made by adoptive moms.