Feeling Genuinely Grateful One Voice at a Time

Feeling Genuinely Grateful One Voice at a Time

Today, our life may seem uncertain and out of control. Suddenly, here we are, living in a new society where we need to learn almost everything. For all of us, adults and children it’s back to kindergarten with a plague for teacher. However, this no time for despair. On the contrary, it’s the perfect occasion to roll up our sleeves and fight. This is the time to look inward and start working towards feeling genuinely grateful.

Your Daily Dose of Comforting Quotes

Chesterton Quote - VoiceOasis Blog Post

I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.  ― G. K. Chesterton

We are living in very uncertain times as some of us are losing their jobs, their loved-ones, and their lives. It sometimes feels like everything is coming to an end. However, we should not forget that better days are ahead.

Yes, we have to adapt to a new and strange world. We have to learn life’s basic rules all over again. Whether it’s about how to safely dress before going out, proper hygiene, how to behave in the street or how far apart we should walk from one another, we have to rediscover how to live. And, we have to do so in order to protect and save lives, our own and others.

Steps to Work towards Feeling genuinely grateful

We cannot let this global plight destroy our way of life and eradicate our humanity. This is a time where every human being has a chance to be a superhero by fighting the right fight to help save the world. Let’s be grateful for this opportunity and do our part. In addition, gratitude is a fuel that can keep us running by boosting our happiness.

We should not wait until our life is hanging on a balance to realize how much we have to be grateful for. Living gratefulness everyday will boost our own happiness and make those who are always there for us happier. Let’s be grateful for our life, our family, our friends, and everything that make us happy. Let’s take the time to say thank you to those who help us everyday, those who always have our back, and all those whose work make our life easier, bearable, better, and happier.

While awaiting the day we can hug each other again, let’s just be grateful and happy for having each other, still.

Come back everyday to VoiceOasis for a dose of comforting quote. Together, we can help fuel our collective happiness.

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