Rachel Frédérique Bruno

VO Image - Rachel F. Bruno on the Talk on Motherhood

A Public Health Professional shares her view on hairstyles and women freedom

1 – Why do you change your hairstyle and how does it make you feel?

I went back to natural hairstyle 8 years ago. I had a scalp problem and went to see my dermatologist. She told me to stop the perm until I am done with the treatment. I was crushed! And it was one of the hardest decisions I’ve had to make.

However, as time goes by, I enjoyed it so much that even when my dermatologist told me I could put the perm if I wanted I decided to stick to my natural hair. Besides, I encouraged my sisters and my mom to join me on the journey. Now that I have a little girl, my goal is to inspire her and to encourage her to love and embrace herself.

2 – Do you think women should stick to hairstyles that reflect their culture, ethnic groups or origin?

I think the most important thing for a woman is to love and embrace herself. It could mean for some to have natural hair, permed hair, no hair at all. As long as this is what she wants and she is putting herself first in her choices, it’s ok.

Read other testimonies on the importance of women’s hairstyles


Rachel’s info:
Rachel Frédérique Bruno
Coconut creek, Florida
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